Malware Detection And Analysis

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Mohd Hamzah Khan
Ihtiram Raza Khan


The purpose of malware analysis is to obtain and provide the information needed to rectify a network or system intrusion. Our goals will be to find out exactly what happened, and to make sure that all infected machines and files are located . When we analyse potential malware, the intended result is typically to determine what a suspected malware can do, how to detect it once it is in our network, and how to measure and contain the damage. Once we identify which files require full analysis, it’s time to develop signatures to detect malware infections on our network. Malware analysis can be used to develop host-based and network signatures. This paper makes the detection and analysis of malware simpler by introducing a framework for detection of unwanted signatures. Framework makes user aware of the contents of the binary file and help them to analyze malicious executables using simple programming languages such as python. Readily scan through the otherwise complex code to derive useful structural information that may provide a valuable insight into the specific functional behaviour of the malware. Using existing tools and techniques the normal users can make their computers more secure by using python scripts.


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