Dictionary based Sentiment Analysis of Hinglish Text

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harpreet kaur
Veenu Mangat
Nidhi krail


Sentiment analysis is a popular field of research in text mining. It involves extracting opinions from text such as reviews, news data, blog data etc. and then classifying them into positive, negative or neutral sentiments. Sentiment analysis of English has been explored but not much work has been done for Indian language. Some research has been carried in Hindi, Bengali, Marathi and Punjabi languages. Nowadays, a lot of communication in social media happens using Hinglish text which is a combination of two languages Hindi and English. Hinglish is a colloquial language which is very popular in India as people feel more comfortable speaking in their own language. This paper provides a survey of recent work done in the Hindi language along with a new proposed approach for sentiment analysis of Hinglish (Hindi + English) text.


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