Research into and Assessment of Clustering-Based Routing Techniques for MANETs

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Reehanaparveen M
Dr. C. Sunitha


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) plays a crucial role in the current infrastructure of the Internet of Things (IoT) by enabling the continuous collection of data across various applications. One of the primary challenges in WSNs is effectively managing energy to prolong its lifespan while maintaining optimal performance. Therefore, there is a need for the synthesis of clustering and routing protocol as a method to achieve energy balance and enhance the lifespan of WSNs. By aggregating and processing data from a large number of sensor nodes, clustering techniques can significantly cut down on energy use. It intentionally selects Cluster Heads (CHs) to facilitate internal cluster communication and deliver consolidated information to the base station. Simultaneously, routing protocols optimize the paths through which data flows by considering factors such as energy levels of nodes in a network, network's topology and traffic demands of users. By implementing hierarchical communication structures WSNs can effectively address energy imbalances, prolong the network's lifespan and optimize the overall system's efficiency. This survey provides instances from various studies where clustering and routing protocols have been implemented to address energy balancing and extend network life in WSN. In addition, a comparative analysis of these studies demonstrates the advantage and disadvantages of various protocols. Possible future research topics are recommended to expand the capabilities of WSNs that include enhancing the durability of protocols, addressing security concerns


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