Review on Scene Semantics Extraction for Decision Making System in Autonomous Vehicles

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Yuvraj Bapu Hembade


Abstract: It is a worldwide witnessed fact that traditional manual driving mechanism will be superseded by Autonomous Vehicles [AVs] in coming years. Autonomous vehicles are going to be most foreseen development in the automotive industry. That would require Decision Making System which will enable AVs to intuitively interpret the real-time situations around. Most importantly scene recognition on streets & extracting relevant semantics from the scene is challenging task. So, image classification & object detection techniques using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [DCNN] are going to play vital role in every other methodology designed for scene semantics extraction. As per the extracted scene semantics DMS actuates the necessary devices which control the speed of vehicle & steering angel. So for that matter information extraction from road scene images covering all aspects to take intuitive decisions has huge concern with overall performance of the AV’s.



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