An Advanced Face Detection And Recognition

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Anirban Chakraborty
Sai Sowjanya Kallempudi


Image or video Face Identification is a popular subject for research in biometrics. Most public places usually have video capture surveillance cameras and these devices have an important safety benefit. The identification of the face has played a significant role in the monitoring system since the entity does not need assistance. It is widely recognized all over the world. Uniqueness and Validation are the main benefits of facial recognition over other biometrics. Since, Human face is a highly variable and dynamic subject, the detection of the face in computer vision is a difficult problem. Precision and Recognition speed are a big problem in this area. The purpose of this paper is to test various facial detection and recognition approaches, and provide a full solution for facial detection and recognition in an image-based manner with a higher degree of accuracy and an improved response time. This suggests a solution focused on experiments carried out on different facial rich datasets with respect to topics, images, attitudes, ethnicity and color.


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