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Anmol Kumar
Animesh Nath
B A Shivani
Nikhil S Tengli
Arjun Singh


This paper focuses on the implementation, architecture and on-going design of a vehicle when it encounters with an object. The vehicle is driven, guided and controlled by utilizing an array of sensors and software. Many collision warning and avoidance systems were made known at the beginning of 21st century but automobiles won’t necessarily be able to make judgment whether it is a child or an empty cardboard box which can be avoided. Collision can be avoided depending upon the interaction between the human and the car.  Firstlyalgorithms were used to reach the destination. When a car encounters a collision, it naturally comes to a standstill or identifies the vehicle’s next position or lets the vehicle go past it. There are two applications which are highlighted in this paper, one in which there is one route and the human driver takes control of the vehicle and the other one where the human does not interact with the vehicle. The results show that




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