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Vinay Kumar M
Kolhapuram Shreyada
Lalu Prasad M
Manasa C H
Resham Sundar Kumar


IoT is the latest increasingly expanding technology in its use. The Internet of Things Technology(IoTs) is greatly influencing the development of early warning systems, while the methods of machine learning (ML) have greatly contributed to the advancement of prediction systems which provide better performance and cost. Flood is an inevitable naturally occurring phenomenon that causes high traffic flows and can also cause substantial property and livelihood harm. This is why we have built a flood warning system to track rising water in different regions and a prediction system in which we collect data sets to predict flooding in a dam. The flood height is set by subtracting the sensor peak as regards the ground minus the sensed range between the sensor and the flood water.Water level height alerts will be provided to alert the authorities on the website. The data uploaded to the website will also be used to train our model to predict flooding in the dam. This project aims to realize the security requirements and security architecture of Internet of Things technology for flood identification and cautioning and discusses the demand and overall design of flood management


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