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Software Frameworks attempt to capture and implement a software system architecture that is reusable. A frameworks, thus, is a semicode that needs to be customized for a particular reuse. The problem of finding an optimal task allocation in distributed computing system (DCS) is an NP-hard. There are various task allocation algorithms and hence a Task Allocator may implement any of them. Any Task Allocator, hence will have many portions that can be reused to define and implement a Task Allocator. In distributed system a Task Allocation mechanism may be replaced by a new one if a standardized definition of a reusable system architecture for this purpose is available. This work attempts at formalizing a system architecture of a Task Allocator by proposing a framework for the purpose. Here we start the design methodology for OO software and identify the various parts of the software system architecture for task allocation. This effort finally results into a semicode framework. The interesting conclusions include “Identification of that code portion of the semicode framework that does not change when reusedâ€, “Characteristics of the code portion that need customization†and the nature of framework definitions that need to be coded at the time of reuse. In this work OO design of various activities of task allocation process has been carried out as per the OO design methodology. To be objects have been identified the dynamic and functional modeling along with identification use cases, corresponding scenarios and data flow diagrams.


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