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Mohd. Sherfuddin Khan
Vibha Bora
Vijay H. Mankar


visualizing and processing Three Dimensional Digital images to Extract features in 3D images has become a subject of interest now-a days as many researchers are still processing and visualizing 3D digital images using 2.5D algorithms rather than 3D algorithms which is imprecise . and the implicit arrangement of human visual sensor array is hexagonal in nature .this intended many people including researchers and scientist for a long time to process the digital image over hexagonal prism lattice to extract better curvilinear features when compared to image processed over Rectangular lattice . in This paper we propose a simulated hexagonal prismatic lattice .and the hexagonal image Algebra for Extracting features processed on hexagonal prism lattice using algorithms developed in the framework of CLAP and 3D morphology . and real time 3D MRI images for testing the algorithms has been demonstrated along with sectioned view for visual inspection of linear and non linear features.




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Mohd sherfuddin khan et.al “Three Dimensional Image Processing in Hexagonal Prism Lattice of Z3 Grid â€Advances in Image and Video Processing Society for Science and Education United Kingdom Vol -5,No -3,june 2017,ISBN 2054-7412,PP:54-69.