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Sai Kiran Chintalapudi
Prajwal Reddy
Keerthi Shrikar Tatapudi


Professors who teach at Universities spend a lot of time for taking attendances in different classes(slots). If the class strength exceeds 60, then it will be a problem for them as they should take the attendance and teach also in the same hour. If  they should mark present to a student later, then they must search for his name or any of his unique ID. Also, students will try to fake the attendance as they have to just say yes for a number which will increase the amount of proxies in a class. As it doesn’t matter for teachers, they somehow are satisfied until any one is caught red-handed. Here, we have put to use the machine learning algorithms to register the attendance using face recognition.



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Automatic Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition Jomon Joseph1, K. P.Zacharia2.

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