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Malasowe Bridget Ogheneovo
Emuobonuvie Andy


Abstract: Information Technology has been a very important tool in homes and organisations today. It has really enhanced human activities greatly. Despite its enomous benefit, it has posed some level of serious risk to the society. While public awareness of environmental sustainability is growing, there is concern about the economic costs of shifting to a greener economy and better undertsanding of Green Information Technology. In other  to satisfy IT users demand, production of It equipment has increased  its computing resources consume high energy that have resulted to carbon footprints (CO2 emissions). Green IT plays an important role to address these issues by offering various Green IT and IS initiatives and models through which efficiencies are met to reduce the emissions. Green IS is the usage of information systems to achieve environmental objectives, while Green IT emphasizes reducing the negative environmental impacts of IT production, usage and disposal. This paper reviews the extent of existing research work done on Green IS and IT, its level of awareness and its implementation.  With the rate increased rate of IT usage in recent time and the high negative effect caused by IT sector its a great concern for all to hands to be on deck to go green in other to holisticly reduce the carbon footprint. The level of awareness and basic understanding of green IT and IS is a key for better adoptoption and implementation of Green Technology.



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Author Biography

Malasowe Bridget Ogheneovo, College of Education, Agbor, Deltat State. Nigeria.

Computer Science 

Principal Lecturer



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