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Garima Tripathi
Garima Singh


The sentiment analysis is the approach which is design to analysis positive, negative and neural aspects towards any approach. In the past years, many techniques are designed for the sentiment analysis of twitter data. Based on the previous study about sentiment analysis, novel approach is presented in this research paper for the sentiment analysis of twitter data. The proposed approach is the combination of feature extraction and classification techniques. The N-gram algorithm is applied for the feature extraction and KNN classifier is applied to classify input data into positive, negative and neural classes. To validate the proposed system, performance is analyzed in terms of precision, recall and accuracy. The experiments results of proposed system show that it performs well as compared to existing system which is based on SVM classifier.


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Author Biographies

Garima Tripathi, Babu Banarasi das university lucknow

Garima Tripathi Student of BBD university lucknow M-tech computer science and engineering (final year)

Garima Singh, BBD University Lucknow(U.P.)

Faculty at BBD university


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