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Priyanka Gulia
Krusha Sheth
Jammy Tandel
Avneet Saluja


In today’s world the population of approximately 70 million is of deaf and dumb people. Generally deaf and dumb people use sign language for communication i.e. movements of hand to convey their message. One of the important problems that our society faces is that people with disabilities are finding it hard to cope up with the fast growing technology. The access to communication technologies has become essential for these people. Deaf and dumb people always find difficulties in expressing their emotion/ message/thoughts. And some of these difficulties can be easily overcome by Interactive Communication System for Deaf and Dumb people. The system will be software which takes the input of motion of sign language from the user and convert it into meaningful sentences which will be displayed on the screen as output.


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Author Biographies

Priyanka Gulia, Gujarat Technological University

Student of Computer Science Department.

Krusha Sheth, Gujarat Technological University

Student of Computer Science Department.

Jammy Tandel, Gujarat Technological University

Student of Computer Science Department.

Avneet Saluja, Gujarat Technological University

Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department


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