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Sudipta Majumder
Ratnadeep Nath
Aminullah Laskar
Bishal Saha


Bittorrent Protocol was introduced as a means of transferring large files efficiently. But, with progressing time, security issues are consuming the Bittorrent traffic like parasites. In this paper, we propose a secured key issuing scheme for Bittorrent to remove these security threats. We will combine both Identity Based Cryptography (IBC) and SKIP to generate secured keys for the peer in order to isolate the malicious ones and hence, secure the network.


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Anantha D. N., Bhimashankar, Girisha A. V., Mahalakshmi M. C., Asha G. R., Key Issuing Scheme for Communication in Peer to Peer Networks in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET). April 2015.

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