A More Secure Authentication through a Simple Virtual Environment

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Dasika Ratna Deepthi
T. Sujanavan


we propose an authentication system with a simple virtual environment which could address some of the open authentication issues of
the industries. In this system, user interacts with the virtual environment and the sequence of interactions are gathered by a background process
(the proposed authentication system) which decides whether the user is authenticated user or a hacker, depending on which the system allows or
denies the access to resources. Many existing authentication schemes are based on a single factor mechanism and due to their backdrops, found
to be unsuccessful. Examples of such systems are authentication systems with textual passwords, biometrics, graphical passwords etc. Even
though, research is around such failures of the systems, still notorious attacks on the systems continue. And hence, we propose an authentication
system with a simple virtual environment which is more secure and simple to use to solve some authentication issues.


Keywords: Authentication system; virtual environment; textual passwords; biometrics; graphical passwords.


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