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Neha Jain
Mayank Patel


The progresses and developments in the domain of semiconductor technology is about to take us into the era where there will be thousands of cores available on a System on Chip. The onset of 3D integration technologies has unlocked the doors of novel prospects for design of on-chip networks in SoCs attaining the higher efficiency in contrast to 2D integration by aptly adjusting the increased path lengths of 2D on chip archetypes. The intelligent mapping of the applications to core on a given NoC architecture can result into the improved system’s dynamic latency. The paper presents a heuristic based on branch and bound methodology for intelligent mapping of applications to cores in 3D Mesh NoC architecture. The experimental outcomes illustrate that average latency has been immensely decreased in the optimized 3D-Mesh on chip networks when compared against optimized 2D-Mesh network of the same size.


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