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Gopalakrishnan Sekar
A. Sathya


Cloud computing, an emerging technology is being widely used for outsourcing the data into the cloud instead of storing it in the local physical storage. It can be accessed by either individual user or group of users. Cloud service providers must concern about the privacy, security and data integrity of the outsourced data. Service availability failure and the data loss is possible is due to the malicious intruders in the cloud environment. As the clients no longer have physical possession of data, the integrity and security of data become the major concern in the cloud computing. One of the important security concerns is to verify the integrity of data stored on cloud. To maintain the integrity of data, the user needs the help of a Third Party Auditor (TPA). The TPA checks the integrity of data bases on demand and releases audit reports that helps the user to evaluate the risk of the services they are using. TPA has the capability to check the integrity of data which is not easy for the end users. This paper elaborates new public and private auditability schemes which are used by TPA to audit the remotely stored data in the cloud and hence provide comparative analysis of existing integrity check techniques with the new technique for cloud data storage.


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Author Biography

Gopalakrishnan Sekar, Government Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai

Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai


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