Assessment of the prominent Open Source and Free Data Mining Tools

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Afreen Samad
Syed Imtiyaz Hassan


The fundamental thought process of Data mining is to analyze the information from alternate point of view then name it and typify it keeping in mind the end goal to secure helpful data by utilizing their different new procedures and tools. Today, the different information mining apparatuses accessible that analysts requirements for assessing their information. Alongside the expanding significance of this science, there was fast increment in the quantity of free and open source apparatuses created to actualize its ideas. It wouldn't be anything but difficult to choose which device plays out the coveted undertaking better, in addition to we can't depend exclusively on depiction given by the seller .Distinctive devices incorporated into data mining like, WEKA, Tanagra, Rapid Miner, Orange, KNIME etc are reviewed in this paper and their advantages and disadvantages are presented and furthermore think about their features. For the scientists this comparative review would be helpful to make a best determination of the device


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