Fuzzy Rule Based Candidate Selection Evaluator by Political Parties

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Tohida Rehman


Selection is a most important word in the Universe. As per the definition selection is a method to select a something or someone among a group of things or people as being the best or most suitable. So in this paper I describe how a soft computing technology is used to select a candidate from a group of candidate by a political party. The main motive of this work is to show the accurate political decision and increase the faith among parties top leader with other members of that party as well as increase the impression of a political party to the citizens which is sometimes not possible using the traditional nomination procedure. There are no hard and fast rules for calculating the accurate political decision so I think fuzzy logic is the best and suitable tool to used human perception, knowledge, imprecision, vagueness to get the exact selection result.
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Expert Knowledge, Membership Function, Fuzzy controller, Candidate selection


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