4G Mobile Network Technology (LTE)

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Gurpreet Singh
Naman Bansal, Priyanka Rani


This paper fully based on the mobile network
technologies . We have various mobile network technologies
.Every generation has some advantages and disadvantages
.Every generation improve the some feature from the previous
generation. User wants to much faster mobile internet and fine
qualities .User wants to everything in his mobile phone like call
system, massaging, data uses (internet on mobile), e-mail, online
games etc. These all are used in a fourth generation mobile
network properly. 4G is the next generation of wireless networks
that will totally replace 3G networks. It is supposed to provide
its customers with better speed and all IP based multimedia
services. It provide us everything like voice (calling system),data
uses ,and other all things .Previous generations are not much
faster as a compared to fourth generation mobile network
technology . Although 4G wireless technology offers higher data
rates and the ability to roam across multiple heterogeneous
wireless networks, many Issues required to further research and
development. Fourth generation solve the problem which are
still remaining in third generation mobile network . One terms
used to describe 4G is MAGIC—Mobile multimedia, anytime
anywhere, Global mobility support, integrated wireless solution,
and customized personal service. So this paper gives the
overview of the various mobile network technologies.



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