Digital Right Management Model Based on Cryptography for Mobile Multimedia Content

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Pushpendra Verma
Dr. Jayant Shekhar,Preety, Amit Asthana


Cryptography is one field of science is the application of principles and mathematical methods to solve the problems concerning the security of information and data sent over the internet. By using the binary tree method, the digital image is converted into a secret password to keep your data safe. Step decrypt digital image by transforming the image into a binary matrix and then perform permutation KBRP who previously sequence of bits given action division bit per blok, after assembling bits into a binary tree and in the binary tree is given a key to turn it into a semi chipertexts, and finally recast the results of conversion bit into a matrix and then do a shift rows and columns so obtained chipertexts. Returns to the original image using the same symmetric algorithms. Based on the imagery used the result that there is some noise in the picture with an average of 40 dB, a good image quality and can be recognized as the original image. The security required seems to be either compromised or not present at all besides, security costs money, resources and time and there is no one to pay for it either. The arena of Mobile Digital Rights Management consists of various players. End-user, Mobile Operator and Content Provider (and owner, publisher and retailer) being the legs of the tripod, the groundwork is to be laid by the technology providers of Infrastructure, Handset, Content Delivery Solution, Digital Rights Management Solution, Billing and Clearing.

Keywords: OMA- Open Mobile Alliance, DRM-Digital Right Management, CoIP : Communication over Internet Protocol, 3G-Third Generate


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