Introducing Quagga Test Bed Simulator with QoS Feature

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Jaya S. Pujar
Satish Hakkali,Akshata, Karuna C.G.


Quagga is a UNIX based network routing protocol that runs as a daemon. It is a fork of popular Zebra framework. Quagga is mainly a text based network suite which relies on text commands for configuration. As the suite is relatively new, it is essential to build a simulation model that can utilize the features of Quagga and provide the administrator with design option that can help administrator understand how Quagga actually works. There is no existing system to best of our knowledge that provides a simulation test bed for Quagga. Therefore in this work we develop a Quagga simulation framework. The objective has been to incorporate two major functions of Quagga: Routing and QoS provisioning. We also provided a framework that helps comparing the Quagga suite with non QoS provisioning flat routing scheme. The proposed simulator incorporates realistic simulation environment by inheriting and extending the classes of Quagga through JNS (java network simulator). Hence the results obtained are at par with real networks. The proposed simulator also provides logging service whereby the result of simulation is available as trace files. These traces can be aggregated and comparative graphs can be designed. Results show that the performance of Quagga is multifold better than non-Quagga based flat routing under overloaded condition.

Keywords: JNS (Java Network Simulator), Latency, Protocol, PDR (Packet Delivery Ratio), Throughput.


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