Trusted Environment in Virtual Cloud

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Arif Mohammad Abdul
M Balraju,Sudarson Jena, S. Durga Prasad


On the basis of services provided by the cloud environment, business and IT industries are highly focused to adopt the cloud services. The services provided by cloud are IaaS, PaaS, SaaS on demand basis in terms of low cost and accessibility of data, but customers are threatened by security. Cloud security has gained increasingly emphasis in the research community, with much focus primary concentrated on how to secure the operation system and virtual machine on which cloud system runs on. A trust management system will match the service providers and the customers based on the requirements and offerings. In this paper, we proposed a new method to build a secure and trusted computing system for cloud environment. It includes some important security services, including authentication, confidentiality and integrity, are provided in cloud computing system.

Keywords- Cloud Computing, Trusted System, Virtual Private network, Virtual Private Cloud.


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