A Real Time on Demand Mobile Mapping System for Vit University – An Approach for Java Enabled Mobile Devices

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Kauser Ahmed P
Iyengar. N. Ch.S.N


This paper deals with the development, deployment and implementation of context aware multimedia applications in mobile devices.
Context Aware multimedia application can be developed using Bluetooth technology with encrypted data and security [1]. Bluetooth
applications can be developed with the help of J2ME which has the optional API’s to develop Bluetooth applications. This paper is based on the
multimedia applications in mobile devices through which a visitors can find various routes he/she wants to visit with the help of his mobile
device. One such service for handheld devices is a “Mobile Mapping Systemâ€, using which a new visitor to a place can get all fundamental
information about the VIT University. The various information that the user can become acquainted with are location details with navigation
map, various facilities in the form of image, audio and video depending on the mobile device of the user. The implementation consists of five
modules such as Registration, Login, text and image, audio, video and the help module. The registration module will get the user details such as
name, address, phone no, etc. The login module will furnish the login name and the password. The text and image module will furnish the
needed information of the places he/ she chosen to visit in the respective format. The audio and video module will give the information in audio
and video format and the help module will demonstrate how to use the application.


Keywords: Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), Mobile Information Device Programming (MIDP).Application Programming Interface (API), Global
Positioning System (GPS).


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