Opinion Mining of the Movie Blogs based on Supervised Learning Approach

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Pranali Yenkar
Dr. S.D. Sawarkar


An important part of our information-gathering behavior has always been to find out what other people think. With the growing availability and popularity of online review sites and personal blogs, people actively use information technologies to seek out and understand the opinions of others about any product or services. Web Blogs are important new arena for knowledge discovery in open source intelligence gathering. Reviews for products or services in the internet could be in millions which make it difficult to track and understand customer opinions. So in this study, we focuses on the emerging area of research i.e. Opinion Mining that classify the opinions of the users .This paper describes the supervised learning method for the opinion mining of the movie review blogs. The rating and review-summarization system can be extended to other product- review domains easily.

Keywords : Blogs, Blog Mining, Opinion Mining, Crawler ,Supervised learning approach


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