A Novel Invisible Image Watermarking Insertion-Extraction Scheme using DWT Watermarking Technique

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Basavaraj. S. Anami
Rajesh. Yakkundimath, Prashant Bhandari


In this paper, a robust algorithm of digital image watermarking based on discrete wavelet transform is introduced It adds binary image watermark into RGB or gray image using DWT Watermarking technique. In the proposed method, instead of directly applying DWT on a color image or a grayscale as in existing technique, RGB image is converted to a indexed image format of which 2-D DWT of a indexed image is been taken which computes four planes LL,LH,HL,HH. After adding a watermark to any of these planes take the IDWT convert the indexed format back to RGB format. Similar methodology is applied for Watermark extraction procedure. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves quality of watermarked images in terms of MSE, PSNR, RMSE values when compared to conventional DWT watermarking technique.

Keywords- Index image, MSE, PSNR, RMSE, RGB image, Watermarking.


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