Architectrue of Run-Time Platform Manager For Dynamic Data Management in MPSoC(MultiProcessor-System-On-Chip)

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Mr.D.S .Vyas
Dr.N.N. jani


This research Paper to be carried out is on the design methodology required to make intelligent decisions about the RUN-TIME multiprocessor –systems-on chip (MP-SoC) management and mapping of dynamic embedded software. However, obtaining experimental evidence of the soundness of the methodology by applying it on actual applications is a major requirement. This evolution, embedded processors become ubiquitous (present every where simultaneously) and a new role for embedded software in contemporary and future Multiple-Processor systems -on-Chip (MP-SoC) is reserved. Next to these programmable components, they contain a large number of memories organized in many different ways. Hence there is a need for proper management of all the data and computation in these complex systems.

Keywords- MPSoC, DSP,computers, design, structures


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