A study on Optimal Strategy N-policy Fuzzy Vacation Queueing System With Server start up and Time out Using L-R Method

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P Sudhakara Babu
K Satishkumar
K Chandan


In this study, the process of finding performance measures of N* is the  optimal threshold , L  is the expected system length  and T(N*) is the minimum expected cost for an optimal strategy analysis of N-policy FM / FM / 1 Vacation Queueing system with server Start-up and Time-out, in which the arrival rate and service rate triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are proposed. By using L-R method the L-R method is smaller and more convenient differentiate to alpha-cuts method. The cogency of the model is study by numerical example.


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Author Biography

P Sudhakara Babu

  Research Scholar Dept.of Statistics

              Acharya Nagarjuna University,

              Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India


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