Internet Chat Application

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TS Vinay Kumar
Vikesh Reddy
Shamanth DL
Yathish C
Laxmi Rananavare


With the fast development of the Internet, more and more people choose network chatting tools for communication. Traditional real-time chatting software is usually desktop application programs based on C/S mode, and specific client programs are needed during application. The browser-based real-time chatting tool does not need any additional client program, and the visual communication could be conveniently realized through the browser. The text communication is realized through server forwarding data, and the data transmission of voice and video chat is realized through point to point connection between browsers.  It is very simple and not only used by common people but also used widely by the corporate world. Sockets are the basic components used in java network programming. We want our application to support various clients at the same time therefore we are going to use the concept of Threads from Multithreading, a thread can be assigned for each individual request.



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