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Rituparna Kundu
Ambar Dutta


The term hash function has been used in computer science from quite some time and it refers to a function that compresses a string of arbitrary input to a string of fixed length. Cryptographic hash functions are one of the most important tools in the field of cryptography and are used to achieve a number of security goals like authenticity, digital signatures, pseudo number generation, digital steganography, digital time stamping etc.  For the past few decades cryptographic hash function become the centre of attention in the cryptographic community. The security of hash function became an important topic as almost every day the world of hash function is facing a new attack. The present paper provides an extensive study on cryptographic hash functions with their applications, properties and detailed classification and also presents a detailed description of cryptographic hash algorithms. It also discusses a general classification of all kinds of possible attacks on hash function analyses some attacks on specific hash functions.


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Author Biography

Rituparna Kundu, Department of Computer Science, T H K Jain College Kolkata, India e-mail:

Department of Computer Science,
T H K Jain College
Kolkata, India


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