Oculus: A Smart Wearable for the Visually Impaired

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Akash James
Ashish Raman Nayak
Sai Somanath Komanduri
Ujwal P.
Prof. Ashwin Kumar U.M.


Oculus is a smart wearable that focuses on assisting the visually impaired. It provides features such as Object detection, face classification, classification of Indian currency, environment summarization, and Optical character recognition. All these features are made available to the user through the use of a myriad of technologies such as TensorFlow, MQTT, Tesseract, and OpenCV. The wearable device utilizes a Raspberry Pi interfaced with a Pi camera as the computational unit, which is used to record the surroundings and this video is streamed to server. The results are relayed back to the user through voice using Google Speech Engine. Due to this amalgamation, Oculus proves to be a reliable augmentation to the user.


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