A Secured Session Password Protection System Using 3DPA Methodology

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Prof. Anil Hingmire
Himanshu Musale,Kalpesh Gosavi, Priyanka Notani


In this paper, we are proposed a new methodology for password protection named 3DPA. Mostly textual passwords are used to secure data or user accounts. However these can be cracked by the application of various brute-force attacks as the maximum password length is fixed and there are a finite number of possibilities which exist. Also textual passwords are vulnerable to eavesdropping, dictionary attacks, social engineering and shoulder surfing. The proposed system generates session passwords using a 3 dimension pairing authentication technique which are resistant to shoulder surfing. The system uses cryptography to preserve confidentiality goal.

Keywords:brutforce attack;eavesdropping;social engineering attack; shoulder surfing attack; crptography; confidentiality etc.


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