UML Modeling for the Watermarking Image File Using Transform Method

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Dr. Deepa Raj


Unified Modeling language (UML) is one of the important modeling languages used for the visual representation of the research problem. In the present paper, UML model has been designed for the watermarking in the image file using transform method because Digital watermarking is the process of embedding some information into a digital signal which is used to verify the authentication of image file or identity of its owner. In this paper digital signal is taken as picture and some information is embedded in to this file. At the time of transmitting a picture in the internet environment, picture as well as embedded information moves from node to node and at receiving end and one can get the authentic picture by extracting a embedded information from the watermarked image, which provide a secrecy in the image file. Watermarking is generally use in copyright protection systems which prevent unauthorized copying of digital media. The class diagram activity diagram and sequence diagram for the watermarking in the image file are depicted in this paper using the transformation technique.

Keywords- watermarking, Transform method, UML, Sequence Diagram.


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