Low Maintenance Wireless Network Architecture and Strategies For Mitigating Challenges In Implementing Wireless Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks in Dense Forests and Rural Areas

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Samrat Pravin Patel
Sumeet S. Deshmukh, Anil R. Rajbhar


An innovative ,cost effective and eco friendly approach for the implementation of wide area wireless network coverage for
surveillance, remote wireless sensing , monitoring and other usage in dense forest and rural areas in developing countries like India and
Africa .The paper gives an simplified layout for the network implementation for bridging the digital divide and the knowledge flow
between the urban areas and the remote locations where telecom companies cannot reach easily or deploy network as it is a costly and
difficult affair for implementation . The proposed paper shows a way to overcome challenges for implementation of the cellular and
wireless network and making the technology accessible to the rural areas to enhance their growth and economic development.

Keywords: Wireless Networks , Passive Wireless Repeater , Wireless Sensor Networks, Cellular Networks , Bamboo , Cell Site , Wireless
Tower , Solar Cell , Solar Panel, Solar Energy , Active Wireless Repeater, Cell Site, Tower


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