A Comparative Study of Transaction Models in Mobile Computing Environment

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Veenu Saini


The mobile computing paradigm introduces new technical issues in the area of database systems. However, techniques for traditional distributed database management have been based on the assumption that the location of end connections among hosts in the distributed system does not change. On the other hand, in mobile computing, these assumptions are no longer valid and mobility of hosts creates a new kind of locality that migrates as hosts move. Consequently, existing solutions for traditional distributed database management may not be applicable directly to the mobile computing environment. Users, either static or mobile must be able to access data by submitting transactions. It has been a challenge for researchers to define and implement efficient transaction processing and update techniques in mobile computing. Many research proposals that focus on supporting transaction processing models in mobile computing environments have been developed. However, there are still major issues that have not been completely solved. One of the problems is to support the requirement for mobile transaction processing system. Here in this paper, I have presented a comparative analysis of existing mobile transaction models on the basis of some issues (transaction properties, mobility, distributed execution, disconnection and heterogeneity) in mobile computing environment.

Keywords: Mobile Transaction; Transaction Properties; Mobile Computing; Heterogeneity


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